Blue Economy

Ep 08: Oceans of Opportunity: Unlocking the Potential of the Blue Economy

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Episode Summary

Welcome to RootsToFoods, the podcast exploring food systems, entrepreneurship, technology, and climate adaptation. I'm your host, Ovidiu Bujorean, Sr. Technical Director at AV Ventures, the impact investing arm of ACDI VOCA.

Our oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface, yet their full economic potential remains largely untapped. From sustainable aquaculture to innovative financing and transformative partnerships, the blue economy offers opportunities to drive economic growth, combat climate change, and create livelihoods—all while protecting marine ecosystems.

In this episode, we’ll unpack the practical steps needed to unlock these opportunities. We’ll look at challenges, innovative solutions, and real-world success stories that can inspire action across industries and communities. Let’s set sail on this fascinating conversation!