To unlock the potential of food resilience on the African continent, we need three paramount resources:

The purpose of our podcast is to bring the most leapfrogging and impactful ideas and entrepreneurs forward, while also inspiring the next wave of exceptional African entrepreneurship.

The podcast will feature breakthrough technologies, entrepreneurs, and organizations that quickly scaled food system solutions benefitting African communities. In addition, the podcast will highlight approaches to challenges and specific strategies to achieve success. We will prominently feature the topics of building complementary teams, scaling ventures, and business building.

The RootsToFoods podcast is a rich resource hub and community of:
entrepreneurs, executives, and investors in the agtech, food systems, and climate adaptation sector in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Ovidiu Bujorean
Roots to Foods Podcast is designed and hosted by Ovidiu Bujorean, Director for Partnerships and Investments with AV Ventures. Ovidiu leads AV Ventures' growth in Sub-Saharan Africa and is building impactful educational and financial vehicles that support middle sized agriculture businesses and agriculture (adjacent) technology ventures. Ovidiu worked as a venture capitalist with the founder of Motorola Ventures, and later designed entrepreneurship programs such as GIST (Global Innovation Through Science and Technology Network) – now the flagship U.S. Department of State program, active in 135 countries. Ovidiu holds an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School and an MBA from MIT Sloan.
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Cultivating Inclusive Growth

AV Ventures is ACDI/VOCA’s for-profit subsidiary. We provide innovative, catalytic financing to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with strong potential for growth and impact in Africa, Central Asia, and Latin America. Such investments contribute to more competitive, resilient, and inclusive market systems and provide better economic opportunities for marginalized communities. With offices in Accra, Ghana; Nairobi, Kenya; and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; AVV is building on the existing global foundation of more than 60 years of its parent organization, ACDI/VOCA.

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